1. We, the students, desire to work for the country under UPSC posts, but there is no proper training classes or coaching classes in this region. So, please guide us to get trained for these exams, and let us know what support this government will provide us to equip ourselves for these exams?

2. As there is no IT parks in puducherry or in the nearby districts around karaikal, we are supposed to move to Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and to other cities for job opportunity. If you could do something to bring a IT park in Karaikal, this will benefit the students community of Karaikal, Puducherry, and the districts of Nagapattinam, Thanjavur, Thiruvarur and Cuddalore. Would you do the needful in bring up a IT Park here?

3. Apart from studies, We, the students, desire to actively participate in Sports activities also, to keep us fit and energetic. It is unfortunate that the Stadium in Karaikal is being built for the last 13 years, even the Taj Mahal is built in 20 years. Still, the stadium is not opened for public use. ONLY BECAUSE OF YOU, WE ARE NOW IN THIS STADIUM. Please give us this stadium for public use.

4. I would like bring to your notice that the student community is highly distracted to alcohol, Mobile phones and Internet, and they are getting diverted from their social responsibilities and studies too.
Please guide us get protected from these social evils and let us know what do we need to do to save our friends, and how this govt. will help us in doing so.?

5. How do you convince the upcoming generation that education is the key to success when we are surrounded by poor graduates and rich criminals?

6. We the students are interested in entering into the healthy politics, to serve the society. What's your valuable suggestions and guidance in this?

7. In addition to our studies, we are also interested in cultural activities. We would be grateful to you, if you would arrange state-wise inter-collegiate cultural meet every year, so that we would improve and prove our talents to this society.

8. Our Educational system is mainly based Theoretical studies. If t provides some Job related vocational trainings for the students and for the public, it would be useful for those who drops out of studies to become self employed.

9. We would like to have a state wise student forum online for healthy discussion with the government and a way to communicate especially to you to whistleblow the corruption in the society. Would you be kind enough to support us, in this regard?

10.The girls, the gods best creation, would like to know that what is the role of women in up keeping this society, apart from Education and Empowerment.
